
Showing posts with label Honda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Honda. Show all posts

Honda unveil 3E Robotics Concept Robot in CES 2018

Honda Robot

Honda is set to unveil its 3E robotics concept robots in CES 2018. These are aimed at making people's lives easier through the use of robots, with a focus on helping those with mobility issues navigate their homes and also the outside world. There are a total of 4 robots: 3E-A18 is a companion robot designed to show compassion, it use to indoor and outdoor, 3E-B18 is a mobility chair designed. The 3E-C18 appears to be a mobility concept vehicle with cargo space, while 3E-D18 is an autonomous off-road vehicle

Additionally, Honda will feature its Mobile power pack World at CES, that is focused on EVs. It includes a portable and swappable battery pack for electric vehicles, as well as charging solutions for at home, out and about and during a natural disaster.

It's incredible to think how these robots will help people, but it is also nice to see the thought that went into their design. Too often, aesthetics are a second thought, but they're really crucial to whether people need to interact with a device or not. each of these robots is adorable, and they are something people who need help will likely want in their homes.